Prof. Lano came up with the idea of using the ancint method of inscribing clay tablets for preserving our modern knowledge for our posterity. The collaboration with Leonardo started and the project was recognized at TH Nürnberg
Prof. Lano came up with the idea of using the ancint method of inscribing clay tablets for preserving our modern knowledge for our posterity. The collaboration with Leonardo started and the project was recognized at TH Nürnberg
The first year was used to conduct a feasibility study and to test out various components souch as the custom made clay in different forms. Expreiments led to mill and laser cut text and images. Also, the Eternipedia font was developed and first trials for preserving music on clay vinyls started.
In the winter semester of 2020/2021 Eternipedia was proposed to Media Engineering Bachelor students who took over some parts of the project's digital development. Since then, production of the first clay tablets started with using porcellain clay tablets and a laser cutter. The team developed a code for producing the clay tablets and this website.
Eternipedia Project is a project funded by sponsoring from Leonardo and TH Nuremberg. Once this sponsoring comes to an end, donations are required to keep the clay tablet production going. That's why you should support the preservance of humanities knowledge by pledging to our Patreon or donating via PayPal.
Eternipedia will continue experimenting on the best methods to produce durable clay tablets to store text, images and even music. Once all the clay tablets are produced, they will be stored in a safe place for our posterity.